Name: Batrić, Surname: Šekara
Address: Pale, East Sarajevo, Zip code: 71420
Phone: 00 387 (0) 65 695 817, 057 225 622
E mail:
Education and qualification: BA English language&literature,Philosophy faculty University of East Sarajevo, wide interests with years of experience of coordinating and working in the NGO sector. certified Ambassador of Youth policy in practice 2002 Denmark, certified in communication skills and public relations- infohouse and Center for civil society promotion 2009 Sarajevo, certified ngo consultant in project management and capacity building of youth ngo-s Center for democracy and development 2002 Banjaluka, certified trainer for youth ngo-s in strategic planning Advanced youth alternative 2005 Banjaluka, certified in Manager training seminars in the frame of the joint project of Council of Europe and the European Commission “Modernising the management and governance capacities of Universities in BiH 2004/2005 Council of Europe Sarajevo, certified as an active member of the BiH University working group tasked with a drafting a Prototype Statute for integrated Universities in BiH, Council of Europe 2004/2005. Certified in project writing for EU funds, Revicon 2008/2009, certificate from the Public international law and policy group for completion of legal clinic on constitutional reform issues, certificate for managing project cycle, fundraising, creating youth strategies from EEO group in IPA EU support on coordination and implementation of youth strategy in BiH. Passed NDI advocacy training and numerous journalism trainings.
Experience: Student organization of Philosophy faculty East Sarajevo 2002/2004 member of student parliament, vicepresident 2004/2005, President of Student Union of Republic of Srpska 2006/2007, general secretary and pr manager of Youth network for changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2006/2009 (cooperating with OSCE Mission in BiH and 30 ngo-s), project coordinator and instructor for Student organization od Philosophy faculty East Sarajevo 2007/2014-, executive director of NGO Network RS (consisting of 74 ngo-s), and main editor at online media, worked on over 100 projects considering youth themes such as: publishing articles and magazines, stories, worked on education, environment, social care, public campaigns, lobbying, coordination in youth tourism and study visits in Greece, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy, France and Spain, strategic planning, creating a budget for ngo-s, creating youth strategies, forming youth councils and student parliaments, youth advocacy, networking ngo-s in East Bosnia region. Leader of public campaign “Study the best” 2006. Member of advisory board on european commission project „Strategic reform on high education in Bosnia and Herzegovina“, member of steering committee on Tempus project FINHED „Sustainable financing of high education in western Balkans“ visiting seven EU member countries, coordinator on Eurostudent survey project in Republic of Srpska (2012-2015); coordinator of projects with USAID concerning interetnhic cooperation, youth homestay and get out the vote campaign. Worked with USAID GAP project, with youth and gender commissions in both entities. Worked on two projects with Internews on freedom of expression, communication security and security of information editor of portal ; Coordinator on PILPG (Public International Law and Policy Group) project about BiH constitution reform. I have organized over 50 public debates on different issues as a moderator, and over 25 book promotions. I have helped creation of 25 ngo-s in RS. A member of Digital Communicatio Network.
Skills: English language-speaking, reading, writing, IT-Microsoft office 2003-2010, XP, Vista,etc. Training skills.
Interest/activities: Advanced trainings, study visits, travelling across Europe and participation in youth work helped in developing of my skills in journalism, digital communication, global ethics, EU&NATO integrations and understanding of the future political architecture of Europe, through Youth summit in Denmark 2002, had meetings with HE Anders Fog Rasmunsen in Copenhagen, former President od World economic forum Klaus Schwab, mayor of Copenhagen, EU commissioners, deans of many universities in Europe, public figures, etc.